Extinction Rebellion: Despair Ends & Tactics Begin
Welcome to the new year. We are excited to be in it with you, but in contrast to our usual whimsical and carefree music (just kidding), we thought it might be fitting to touch on the state of our world as it goes up in figurative and very literal flames.
We are in the throes of an apolitical CLIMATE EMERGENCY.
Artwork by Banksy
And although many other political struggles are worth fighting in these trying times, acknowledging this climate emergency and taking steps to address it must take top priority. Those who are attempting to dismiss the climate emergency as political are either suicidal or so short-sighted that they are willing to prioritize short-term revenue over the survival of our species. They are condemning our children and grandchildren, to say nothing of the burning koalas and our other perishing animal brethren.
We are proud to be a part of EXTINCTION REBELLION, a fast-expanding international group that is taking action and making demands for large-scale change. Our future as a species is not assured, but without change, it is all but assured that we will not have a future.