Children Having Children presents: ALIBI

Our new EP hits the figurative shelves this Friday. It's the first new Children Having Children music since 2014. Time flies? 

The songs on Alibi make me think of two people sitting across from each other at a table. Witnesses to each other's deeds and misdeeds. 

Struggling to salvage a relationship that's already lost while the coffees get cold, falling stupidly in love again over a bottle of bad wine. 

Or of me convincing a stellar drummer named Matthew Lauritsen into recording a few songs on good faith and a few beers, and plotting with an engineer named Bob Mallory in a midtown courtyard about what it should all sound like in the studio. 

photo by Shannon Thomas

photo by Shannon Thomas

A thousand of these small conspiratorial moments shaped our new songs. 

Many of the lyrics were started and scribbled on scattered pages while I sat in the corner of a coffee shop waiting on someone to join me. Some came easy, some fought me tooth and nail. Regardless, I'm very proud of the words that made the cut. 

They're words about beginnings and endings, about how difficult it can be to love somebody and how easy it can be to forget why you love somebody, and about how people can bring out the best and worst in each other. 

We hope that you take a moment to listen to these songs as we committed them to digital eternity, because the people who worked on Alibi bring out the best in my music and I can't say enough nice things about them. So I'll quit while I'm ahead. 

photo by David A. Palatsi

photo by David A. Palatsi

See you this Wednesday, Feb. 14 at Bowery Electric for our record release show, and we hope that Alibi speaks straight from our hearts to your ears. 

ALIBI is out this Friday, Feb. 16. Here's a sampler:


Lots of love,



Sweating through those summer blues. What else is news. Threats of nuclear war, melting glaciers, and the silencing of dissent from all sides. Here comes the ice cream truck.

Glad I've got my old faithful friends Nine Inch Nails and Lana del Rey to talk me through it with their new records. Good stuff if you haven't heard. Trent Reznor & Co. kicked my teeth in last week at their surprise Webster Hall show, reminding me once again just how high the bar has been set. Of the wide gulf between good and great. 

photo by David A. Palatsi

With our first string of tri-state Children Having Children shows behind us, we've got a few weeks to write some new songs, dust off some old ones we haven't tried live before (any requests?), and stretch our muscles in a few fresh directions. 

Our friend Rowan graciously invited Heymann and I to join her in an acoustic capacity at Precious Metal for the last show in her summer residency. We played some strippered-down CHC songs, along with a few covers by The Smashing Pumpkins, The Fire Theft, and Soundgarden (usually restricted to the privacy of our own homes when the power goes out). Thanks for coming out to see us in the daylight. More of our softer side coming soon, although probably sans daylight.

photo by David A. Palatsi

I'm also knocking out the last bit of mixing on our new record. I'm slower than Dr. Dre but it's oh so close I can taste it and I'll be cranking up the Pro Tools as soon as I finish reaching out to you internet trolls. You'll be hearing/seeing plenty more about that record soon  -- titles, artwork, and why it's a great excuse for us to have a big party and make your acquaintance again in person. 

'Til then, we hope you'll be on a beach somewhere daydreaming of true love and the rock & roll apocalypse.